June 14, 2022 Minutes

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JUNE 14, 2022




Mayor Blakley brought the First Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Jeremiah Gray, Marshelle Gray, Robert Essex, and Michael Taylor on zoom.

Absent were Darcie Rocque and LeRoy Trujillo.


Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee J. Gray to accept the accounts payable as presented.  Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee M. Gray to accept the minutes from April 26th as presented. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Trustee J. Gray made a motion, seconded by Trustee M. Gray to accept the minutes from April 28th as presented. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee M. Gray to accept the minutes from May 10, as presented. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mr. Steve LaBonde said that at the last meeting they had approved Mr. Val Kotter & Sons to do the curing of the three sections of the sewer lines. He mentioned that they had a pre con with them today and Mr. Shawn Oliver and Ms. Karla Distell also attended the meeting. He said that they went through everything as far as the money departments. He said that the pipe has been ordered in May and is scheduled to be delivered around June 22. He mentioned that they would be mobilizing on June 26 and be here for three days to do the lines. They asked that the water be shut off to those residence that go down the line, so that nothing goes down the sewer service line while they are working on it. He said that this is the last of Phase IIIB, and then they can close this out.


Mr. LaBonde wanted to update the Council on the infrastructure funding. He said that he had attended a Water Quality Control Administrative hearing on Monday.  They amended the use plan for the SRF program to accept the funding. They have focused a hundred and twenty-one million dollars for 2022 in Colorado for drinking water.  He said that 49% is for disadvantaged communities. He said that the Town has already been classified as such. He said that the eligibility survey is due at the end of the month. He said that he is collaborating with Mayor Blakley on this and adding projects, he said that they had added sewer lines. He said that if the town is not on the list, they would not be eligible for fundings. He said that it all needs to be allocated in five years. And it can only be used for water and sewer. He mentioned that there would be money allocated each year.  


Mr. LaBonde said that they have been lining out Water and sewer line extensions for Booble and Antrodemus. 


Mayor Blakley said that they have a marijuana renewal for Dino Treats.  Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee M. Gray to accept the renewal for Dino Treats.  Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mr. Mark Futch with Cimmaron Telecommunications was here to talk to the Council about internet service. He said that they started internet in Rangely and then picked up work with Rio Blanco County with fiber network. He said that they provide fiber network, fiber to the home and wireless plate forms and they do satellite services to Rifle and Craig. He said that he has several options that the Council could look at. He mentioned that if they are interested in the internet, they would have to put up three towers in town. Trustee Essex asked how tall the towers would be. Mr. Futch said that they would be around thirty feet tall. He said that they would like to put their own towers in. He mentioned that there are citizens in town that have asked if they would come to Dinosaur.  He said that they are just trying to get their service out. 


Town Administrator Laurance Elarton brought up the Knowledge now, which is a Colorado’s paid family medical leave insurance program. He said that it is something CML set up. Trustee Essex said that it is something that we can opt out of now and we could get back into it later is we want. He said that if they do not opt out now, we are stuck in it for three years. Mr. Elarton said that if an employee wants it, they can do it without the town participating.


Mr. Elarton said that they are working on zoning procedures. He said that there are some people wanting to do zoning changes. He said that the Council really needs to educate what they want for the town when they do the zoning changes. He said that a prior Council zoned the map as residential, commercial and industry zones. He said that one person is wanting to change from commercial to residential, and one that went back to residential, and he wants it commercial for what he wants to do.

He said that there is going to be costs to do these.

Mayor Blakley said that when Mr. Dan Brown did his he paid our attorney for all the work and advertising.  Mr. Elarton said that is what other towns do but we do not have it in our ordinances. Mayor Blakley said that it is the developer’s expense. Mr. Elarton said that he did not see it in the codes.

He said that there is someone that is presently commercial now, but they want to be zoned residential. And they want to give a section of their property to someone else. He said that is a subdivision and you cannot separate lots in town without going through a subdivision process.  He said that it would have to be subdivided correctly.  He said the other one wants to do like a motel, in between Triceratops and Antrodemus.   

Mayor Blakley said that it used to be a mobile home park, but when rezoned it went down as a RV Park. Mr. Elarton said that they are wanting to separate those into separate lots. He said that they are checking to see if it is going to be a motel if they can be smaller than residential lots.

Ms. Aileen Tolley asked why they do not use what they have instead of changing everything.  Mr. Elarton said that one has been commercial, and the other has been abandoned for years. Ms. Tolly said that when she was on the Council people came in and wanted to change things and the Council told them no.


Mr. Elarton said that they can do a surplus sale on some of the property.  He said that there are water tanks, Christmas decorations.  He said that the decorations are old but may be something someone wants to fix up. 


Mr. Elarton said that the State contacted the municipalities to sign off on the opioid settlement. So, the state could get their money. He said the town settlement is .057%, He said that the State sent the results, and we must opt in or out.  Mr. Elarton said that County received .9522% and the town would get the .057%. He said that in the first year the town would get $2.84 and in eighteen years we would get $25.28. Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee M. Gray to opt out on the opioid settlement.  Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. 


Mr. Elarton said that he has pricing on rentals an also looking at getting a large copier, to do engineering and plat maps. He said that he would like to log the maps and put them in a document file.

Trustee M. Gray asked if signs and lines, provide that service. Mr. Elarton said that he talked to a printing place.  Mayor Blakley said that Mr. Steve LaBonde has the equipment. Mr. Elarton said that there are engineering stuff and town plats he would like printed. He said that it would be about $1500 a month to rent one and $5000 to buy a new one.


Trustee Essex asked what they are going to do with the old jail house. He said that it is starting to deteriorate. He said that he thinks they need to do something with the edges. Mayor Blakley said that they could stucco it and fix it. 


Mr. Jim Evans said that every quarter they can discuss the budget and where we are year to date.  He mentioned that Ms. Marlo Coates will be here next meeting. He said the prior year cannot close until we get the audit. 


Trustee M. Gray asked who does the grants. Mr. Elarton said that Karla and Steve have helped. Trustee Gray asked if it is in their intention to put the fiber in with the gas.  Mr. Elarton said that earlier to get the grant it was enhanced if they put the broad band in with the gas lines. He said that they are trying to get natural gas in, it is cheaper than propane. Mr. Elarton said that broad ban will come to town either way, because the State wants a circle. 


Trustee J. Gray made a motion, seconded by Trustee M Gray to apt out of the Knowledge Now Program.  Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Trustee Essex made a motion to adjourn at 7:44 all were in favor. 


                                                                                TOWN OF DINOSAUR



                                                                                Richard A. Blakley




Tamara Long, Town Clerk