Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024


Town Council



Mission Statement


It is the mission of the Town of Dinosaur to encourage tourism, to foster economic development, to promote a sense of community and to provide to its citizens with not only the necessary basic services, but also to provide amenities and services which enhance public safety and a higher quality of life.



Our Town Council meetings are held every second Tuesday of the month. Public participation is highly encouraged, so mark your calendars and join us to learn about the exciting new developments and opportunities that are being worked on. This is also a time for our local residents to let us know what is on their mind. Is there something important to you ? Is there something that you are concerned about ? Well, let us know ! Our Council prides itself on working for the community, with the community, so please join us the second Tuesday of every month. If you would like time to address the council, you can always call Town Hall at (970)374-2286 and request to be added to the agenda. Of course, your professionalism and courtesy is always appreciated when addressing the Council.


 Term Ends 
MayorApril 2026Richard Blakley
TrusteeApril 2028Devonna Wilczek
TrusteeApril 2028Nicole Ratcliff
TrusteeApril 2026LeRoy Trujillo 
TrusteeApril 2026Marshelle Gray
TrusteeApril 2026Michael Taylor
Mayor Pro Tem April 2028Darcie Rocque