Dinosaur Town Council
Dinosaur Council Chambers
April 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor, Richard Blakley
Darcie Rocque Michael Taylor
Nicole Ratcliff Devonna Wilczek
Marshelle Gray Leroy Trujillo
REGULAR MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 6:00 P.M. Mayor Blakely called the meeting to order.
ROLL CALL All Town Council members were present.
Approval of Minutes March 12, 2024, and March 26, 2024. Robbert Essex moved to approve the minutes of March 12 and March 26, 2024; seconded by Michael Taylor, motion carried.
Expenditure – Treasurer report. Robert Essex moved to approve the Treasurer report for $106,428.50 for the month of March; seconded by Darcie Rocque, motion carries.
Ordinance of the Town of Dinosaur setting forth the compensation to be paid to the Mayor of the Town of Dinosaur and members of the Dinosaur Town Council. Robert Essex made a motion at the last meeting, and it was seconded by Leroy Trujillo for the Council increase in pay. All increases for the Council need to be done by an Ordinance.
- Maintenance Supervisor Davis recap the GIS equipment for the Council who were absent at the last meeting. The GIS equipment will be able to locate and map where sewer and water lines are then downloaded into a mapping system for future knowledge of the areas that will be extremely useful for the Maintenance Department. Ken received two bids, one from Subsurface Solutions and the other from Beehive. If the Council decides to go with Subsurface Solution the mapping maps will be owned by the Town. The equipment can also be used to camera both sewers and water lines. Michael Taylor moved to purchase the equipment from Subsurface Solution; seconded by Darcie Rocque, vote unanimous, motion carries.
- Minute Break for transition of Trustees.
1. Oath of Office New Council Town Clerk, Christine Brasfield sworn in the new council members, Darcie Rocque, Nicole Ratcliff, Devonna Wilczek, and Richard Blakley as Mayor.
2. Mayor Pro Tem Marshelle Gray move to appoint Darcie Rocque as the Mayor Pro Tem; seconded by Devonna Wilczek seconded, vote unanimous, motion carries.
3. Appointment of Officers, Town Administrator, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Town Attorney, Municipal Judge. Michael Taylor asked the council for their input on the reappointment of Town Attorney. He would like to research other attorneys for the Town of Dinosaur. The Town Manager mentioned that the current Town Attorney Edward Sands would be happy to come up to meet and introduce himself to the new Council Members. The Town Attorney may be revisited at a future meeting. Michael Taylor moved to appoint the Town Administrator Larry Elarton, Town Clerk Christine Brasfield, Town Treasurer Jim Evans, Town Attorney Edward Sands, municipal judge Matthew Bradley; seconded by Leroy Trujillo, vote unanimous motion carries.
Mayor report
- Mayor Reports.
- Working with CDOT on sidewalk project for Hwy 40.
- Dinosaurs (Camptosaurus and Brachiosaurus) should be delivered in a couple of weeks.
- Town Manager reports
- Welcomed the new council members to the Council. He gave all the Council member a booklet for new council members from CML. There is a training session scheduled for May 9 with the Fire Department
- This year’s election went very smoothly. There was a higher number of people who voted this year than in previous years. There may be discussion in the future to coordinate the election with the November election.
- The maintenance department is busy with parks, planters, and town cleanup. One of the major projects will be a shed at well 2 along with tank recoating. Replace some steps in manholes and camera all sewer lines.
- Code enforcement letters went out in the utility bills this month.
- DJ Johnson has applied to be an officer for the Rangely Police Department.
- Looking at options for the community center. He is adding a splash park for the kids.
- Will have a zoom meeting with safe build to get the building inspections up to code.
- Working on getting solar lights for flashing warning sign around town. Marshelle Gray mentioned that Elarton calls Nice Guy Community for grants.
- Update on gas line study should be ready for review by June.
Presentation from WRAP White River Area. Public in attendance Paul Jachim, Don Davidson, Kelly Clerk, Cody Kinney, Jeremiah Gray, Michaila Chamberlian, Jeff Harrington, Julie Elarton, Caleb Bender, Julianne Bender, Kristine Davis, Ken Davis, Ben Moon, Scott Liebhardt, Robbert Essex. A presentation was given to the Council to join the White River Area Preparedness, Inc, to plan, prepare and protect. Is the mission of WRAP to develop individual, family, and community preparedness; to provide assistance and relief to the Rangely Area residents. In the event of disaster or infrastructure collapse; to educate, protect, strengthen, and provide planning and resources for critical needs such as power, water, food, medical care, and wastewater to support our community. They would like Dinosaur residents to join in on the plan for a boarder span of radio communications.
Date for the Trash container for the community to use. Marshelle Gray moved to schedule the date for Dinosaur Town Clean up and dumpster in place starting May 3, 2024 for a week; seconded by Leroy Trujillo, vote unanimous, motion carries.
Meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
Richard A. Blakley, Mayor
Christine Brasfield, Town Clerk
For more details go to zoom link: Minutes, Agendas and Zoom Link for the meetings can be found at https://townofdinosaur.colorado.gov/minutes-and-agendas