Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

April 11th, 2023 Minutes

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April 11, 2023


The first Regular Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council was brought to order by Mayor Richard A. Blakley at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard Blakley, Trustees Jeremiah Gray, Marshelle Gray, Mike Taylor, and LeRoy Trujillo. Darcie Rocque called in on Zoom at 6:25 PM.

     Mayor R. Blakley asked Treasurer Jim Evans to go over expenditures.  Trustee L. Trujillo made a motion to accept the expenditures.  Trustee M. Taylor seconded the motion.  Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Trustee M. Gray made a motion, seconded by Trustee M Taylor to approve the minutes from Feb. 14th, Feb. 28th and March 14th 2023, as presented. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

     Mayor R. Blakley said Christy’s liquor license is the next on the docket.  They are going to do two separate votes.  One for Christy’s Liquors regular license and one for the tasting license.  The vote for the regular liquor license is first.  Trustee M. Taylor made a motion, seconded by Trustee L. Trujillo.   Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Abstained: 2.  Motion carried.

 Mayor R Blakley called for a vote on the tasting license.  Trustee M Taylor made a motion, seconded by Trustee L Trujillo.  Ayes 4, Nays 0, Abstained 2.  Motion carried

     Next on the agenda is Craig Scharton.  He has been recommended to be the consultant on the natural gas line.  Mr. Scharton went over his credentials to consult with the Town of Dinosaur.  Mr. Scharton is asking for a $10,000 contract with $100 an hour consultation fee.  Trustee M. Gray made a motion to accept the proposal using C. Scharton as a consultant, seconded by Trustee M. Taylor.   Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

     Next on the agenda is SRF (Colorado Water Resources & Power Development Authority).   The SRF needs the Town of Dinosaur to keep $17,149 in an exclusive reserve account for operation and maintenance of the sewer.  The reserve account for water and sewer is being requested to be redesignated exclusively as the reserve account for the sewer.   Trustee M. Taylor made a motion, seconded by Trustee M. Gray.   Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.  Motion carried.


     Trustee L. Trujillo made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting was adjourned.



                                                                                                Richard A. Blakley



Tamara Long, Town Clerk