Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

April 26th, 2022 Minutes

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APRIL 26, 2022



Mayor Blakley brought the Second Regular Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council to order at 6:00 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Jeremiah Gray, Marshelle Gray, Michael Taylor and LeRoy Trujillo.  Absent were Trustees Darcie Rocque and Robert Essex.


Mayor Blakley said that they would need to go into Executive Session for legal discussion on the licenses.  Trustee Taylor made a motion, seconded by Trustee Trujillo to go into executive session per CRS 24-6-402 (40) to discuss legal matters at 6:04 p.m.

Out of Executive Session at 6:32.


Mayor Blakley said that they had a discussion over the marijuana he said that if they agree to their terms they will move ahead with the lottery.  He said that there were complaints about both applications, one was about the managers and the other was the land.  He said to be fair with both parties, they would have to agree with the terms and they would have 30 days to correct the problems.  Whoever wins will have the thirty days to comply and if they do not it will go to the next one.   Or they could reopen for the licenses.  It was asked if it is reopened can other people put in for the license.  Trustee Taylor said yes it would be open for everyone.

Mr. Brian Prater said that if they reopen it there could be a lot more people put in for it, right now they will have a 50/50 chance of getting the license.

One of the parties wanted some time to talk about it.


Mayor Blakley said that they have the renewal for Dino Dispensary.  Trustee Trujillo made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor to accept the application from Dino Dispensary.  Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Abstain: 1 (Blakley).   Motion carried.


Mr. Elarton said that Sunroc is looking at doing a concrete plant.  He said that they are looking at putting it at Long’s it is zoned commercial and they would have to change it to Industrial or get a variance for a short time.  He said that he did not know if it would be for a year or more.  He said that the problem he has is that they didn’t want them on the streets with the concrete trucks, unless they are going to put in a performance bond.  He said that those trucks would tear up the streets.  Trustee Taylor said that the other trucks taking material to them would to.  It was proposed to them that they could build 9th Street with a gravel road coming out and then they could asphalt it later to the highway.  Mayor Blakley said that they had also talked about doing a bond for the street. 

Ms. Devonna Wilczek asked when are they going to do this.  Mayor Blakley said that it sounds like it would be pretty quick.   Mr. Elarton said that they do not have all the information yet.  Mayor Blakley said that they will buy water from the Town.  Trustee Taylor asked if there is a main for them to hook into.  Mayor Blakley said that they would have a fire hydrant to hook into.  He said that it would be 6-8 thousand gallons to start out with and then they could run off a garden hose after that. 

Trustee M. Gray asked if that is the only location available.  Mr. Elarton said that they had talked about the 90 acres on Highway 40 that the town owns.  He said that it is not annexed so it is not zoned.  HE said that the town has a little industrial area south of town that is fences off.   Trustee M. Gray asked if the company is biding this out, or how are they looking to find a place.  Are they looking at multiple options?  Mr. Elarton said that they had talked to Mr. Dale Long and they have some kind of an agreement that they have in place.  Mayor Blakley said that there is a hydrant right there.

Ms. Wilczek asked if there is going to be a lot of water that they are going to get.  Mayor Blakley said that it is 10,000 gallons to fill the tank.  Mr. Elarton said that they will be getting water to concrete the piers.  He said that they are hoping that the town can get better prices for concrete, because there are a lot of projects like sidewalks at the park.  Mayor Blakley said and the floor for Well 2.  Mr. Elarton said that they are hoping to work something out on that.


Mayor Blakley said let’s take a five-minute break at 6:47.

Back to order at 7:03.


Both parties agreed to go with the terms for the marijuana licenses.  The Council set a meeting for the draw for Thursday April 28, at 6:00 p.m.


Trustee Trujillo made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:04 all were in favor.


                                                                                                                TOWN OF DINOSAUR



                                                                                                                Richard A. Blakley, Mayor





Tamara Long, Town Clerk