Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

August 10th, 2021 Minutes

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AUGUST 10, 2021

Mayor Blakley brought the First Regular Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Darcie Rocque, Devonna Wilczek, Robert Essex, LeRoy Trujillo, Marshal/Administrator Laurance Elarton, Town Clerk Tamara Long. Absent were Trustees David Heinrich and Charles Winkler.
Mayor Blakley said that we have the accounts payable. Trustee Wilczek asked about the bill for the spraying at the mobile home subdivision. Town Administrator Laurance Elarton said that they had the streets and sidewalks sprayed since they are the towns responsibility. He said that they will be removing some of the trees that are tearing up the concrete. He said that we are getting paid for the mowing. Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Rocque to accept the accounts payable as presented. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Trustee Wilczek made a motion, seconded by Trustee Trujillo to accept the minutes from July 13, and 27 as presented. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Mayor Blakley said that the County is wondering if we are going to participate in the election this fall. He said that he did not know of anything. Mr. Elarton said that he did not have anything.
Mayor Blakley said that he and Mr. Elarton had a meeting with EDA and USDA on the natural gas. He said that it looked pretty promising for grant money for the tap hook up fee. They look at the jobs and how many it can create and the backing of the people of who is going to hook up. Trustee Essex said that it would bring business to the neighborhood. He said that propane is $1.99 a gallon, and they are not expecting it to go down. Mayor Blakley said that we need to get the word out to get an idea of how many people would like to hook up. Trustee Essex asked if the town has talked to Rangely about a partnership. Mayor Blakley said that we have not.
Mr. Elarton said that EDA recognizes that five jobs in Dinosaur, is a bigger thing for the buck, than a couple hundred jobs in Denver. They are looking that the town can bring more businesses in because of natural gas. Mr. Elarton said that he knows that the natural gas will help with commercial. He said that they have had several people wanting to come to Dinosaur, but propane is cost prohibited for some of the restaurants and other businesses.
Trustee Trujillo asked what if someone did not want natural gas. Mr. Elarton said that it will be up to the individuals, he said that they are hoping to run natural gas and town fiber to the residences. He said that it was in the grant proposal that they may replace hot water heaters if they have to. Mayor Blakley said that when it is coming through it could be put right up to the house. Mr. Elarton said that they like that fact that the town would own the fiber, that way a company cannot come in and change the rates. Mayor Blakley said that the USDA are the ones that are pushing the fiber for the town. He said that we could save a lot putting both in at the same time.
Trustee Trujillo asked if there is a leak would we be responsible. Mayor Blakley said yes there will be a crew of one or two men. Trustee Essex said that the money coming in would pay for the wages, upgrades and construction. Mayor Blakley said there probably would be very few problems for a while. The meters would probably be the biggest problem. Mayor Blakley said that we have lost a lot of business not having natural gas.
Trustee Wilczek asked about the lagoons. Mayor Blakley said that they are trying to fill the lagoon, and they are filling 70 gallons a minute. He said that this morning they had 630 thousand gallons. We need at least four feet of water for the solar bee. He said they were wanting it to be done by August 23, but we will probably have to put it off for another two weeks.
Trustee Essex asked where we are on Well 2. Mayor Blakley said that we got the first sample results back and everything was good. He said that they are waiting on the radiation samples, and they will not be in until the end of the month. He said that he is thinking about getting ready for the shed.
Mr. Elarton said that we are waiting on Caselle upgrade, He said that we are out until January 3rd, 2022.
Mr. Elarton said that we have an insurance audit on August 24. Trustee Essex asked if there is anything that needs to be done before they get here. Mr. Elarton said that there is but he would get with everyone on it.
Mr. Elarton said that the revenues are about where they should be at this time.
He asked if anyone had any questions on the codes. He said that Mr. Sands had a few changes to make. Mr. Elarton said that he would like to pull the personal ordinance out and do a personal policy. He said that they will follow what CIRSA guidelines for a lot of it. He said that when it is in an Ordinance it is hard to make changes to it. He said that a policy manual can be changed when they need to be. He said that we are thinking about doing a planning and zoning commission. He said that if they do not have a planning commission then it is up to the Council to do it. Mr. Elarton said that the Municipal Judge had a few things that he was talking about. He said that the Judge wanted to have a Court of Record here.
Trustee Wilczek asked about the school designs. Mr. Elarton said that they do not have a final yet, but they are working on it. He mentioned that they did a circular run and left the gym in place. He said that they are keeping the locker rooms. He mentioned that the CU would be here to show everyone the designs and to answer questions. He said that they have a few things to propose for the 90 acres.
The Council set up another town clean ups for August 28-29.
Trustee Essex made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 all were in favor.
Richard A. Blakley, Mayor
Tamara Long, Town Clerk