Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

August 24th Minutes

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AUGUST 24, 2021

Mayor Blakley brought the second meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Darcie Rocque, Devonna Wilczek, David Heinrich, Robert Essex, LeRoy Trujillo, Marshal/Town Administrator Laurance Elarton and Town Clerk Tamara Long.
Mr. Steve LaBonde was here to give an update on the sewer project. He said that they can start filling the lagoon. He said that they will run test water into the cell then do an evaporative test for leakage. He estimated it to be 30-40 days to fill the pond. Mr. LaBonde mentioned that Anson will be back to pump the test water to the drainage. Unless someone wants the water.
Mr. LaBonde said that the town had got a $600,000 block grant and $105,000 design and engineering grant. He said that the town had a match, which we got a loan for $100,000. All with a total of $805,000. He said that we are under budget so we need to figure out what we want to do. He said that Ms. Karla Distell would like to come up for the first meeting in September, to see what we can do with the left-over money. Mr. LaBonde said that the only time line is that the block grant will have to be used by the end of the year. Mayor Blakley said that he would like to get pricing for lining some of the problem sewer lines in town.
Ms. Kendre Dipiepro from Moffat County Library was here to talk to the Council about money for the library. She mentioned that the dinosaur library has access to kiosk for social services.
Ms. DiPietro said that in 2018 they were reduced at the County level. In 2019 the library board visited with Mayor Smith and he agreed to pay $15,000 per year to support the dinosaur branch. She mentioned that they have not seen no funding from the town and they have not received any funds.
It was mentioned that the dinosaur branch costs more per visitor than the other two branches. Trustee Essex asked what the City of Craig puts up per year. The City of Craig does not pay anything. She said that they are going to keep going back to them.
The libraries have to be opened for 20 hours a week or it is not considered a public library, if they are not opened enough hours, they do not get the resources from the state. Trustee Essex asked what the law is to keep a public library. They said that they have to ask the voters if they want to close the libraries.
Mayor Blakley said that they are asking for $15,000 a year. He said that some of the Council thought that it was budgeted for this year. Mr. Elarton said that they did approve the $15,000 last year while they were working on the budget. He said that is something that the Council would have to look at when they start the new budget. He said that he is not sure that it got approved with Mayor Smith. He said that there was a threat of closing the library if we didn’t have the money. He said that they see that there were statutes where they could not close the library. He said that the Council felt they were being pushed in a corner but the next year the council did approve it.
Ms. DiPietro said that at that time there were a lot of board turnovers. It was mentioned that the marijuana funds that were voted in would pay for the library and the museum, the city took over the
funding for the museum and left the county to fund the library. Mayor Blakley asked Mr. Elarton if he found it in his notes. Mr. Elarton asked if it was in the Trustee Budget. Tamara said that there was only $14,000 budgeted there and $5000 was for the Welcome Center. Mayor Blakley said that they will look into it and bring it up at the next meeting. The Council said that they would like to see a bigger sign for the library.
Mr. Elarton had talked to one of the painters that have been doing the dinosaur paintings in Vernal. He got a bid for $4400 to paint the restroom on Highway 40. He said that he would like to do a dinosaur theme with an eye spy. He said the painting will be on the west wall and the front of the building. He said that we can take this out of infrastructure. He said that the paint lasts 5-10 years.
Trustee Trujillo arrived at 7:20 p.m.
Mr. Elarton mentioned that he is getting bids for the sprinkler system. He said the swing set has been moved to the big park and they are planning on moving all the playground equipment over to the big park. He said that they are looking at putting a new pavilion in. He said that this is for next year.
Mr. Elarton said that he sent Mr. Jim Evans to the ADA coordinator class with CIRSA last week. He said that we need to look at what needs to be done.
The windows are still on hold.
He mentioned that he has five people biding on the pavement for 3rd Street.
Mr. Elarton said that he is looking into doing a standalone employee manual. He said that CIRSA done their audit and there are a few things that need to be done.
He mentioned that one of the radars went down so he is going to be getting a new radar.
He said that they are working on Well 2. He said that they found the valves to get the Well up and going.
Trustee Heinrich made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. all were in favor.
Richard A. Blakley, Mayor
Tamara Long, Town Clerk