Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

December 14th, 2021 Minutes

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December 14, 2021


Mayor Blakley brought the First Regular Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council to order at 6:00 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Devonna Wilczek, Charles Winkler, LeRoy Trujillo, Marshal/Town Administrator Laurance Elarton, Town Clerk Tamara Long.  Absent were Trustees Darcie Rocque, David Heinrich, and Robert Essex.


Trustee Wilczek made a motion, seconded by Trustee Trujillo to accept the accounts payable as presented.  Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Trustee Winkler made a motion, seconded by Trustee Wilczek to accept the accounts payable as presented.  Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mr. Steve LaBonde zoomed in for the meeting to give updates on the sewer project.  Mr. LaBonde mentioned that they completed the leakage test on November 12, he said that everything passed.  He said that when they started pumping the water out the valve was leaking.  He said that they have ordered the valve but it is about thirteen weeks out.   He said that there is a clause in the contract to delay final completion, it allows to leave the contract open and then they will come back to replace the valve.  The other option is to close the contract and pay Anson, then the valve would be a warranty item.  Trustee Winkler made a motion, seconded by Trustee Trujillo to retail $6000 to keep the contract open and request lien wavers.   Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mr. LaBonde said that he has proposals for the curing pipe for replacing the manholes.  Taylor was $57,700.  He said that they were in an agreement to get things in place.  He said that the elevations are different so they will have to custom the manholes.  A representative with DOLA reached out to Mr. Elarton stating that they had money for this project.  He mentioned that the town would have to issue a letter for the supplemental money for the $50,000.  Trustee Winkler made a motion, seconded by Trustee Wilczek to do the paper work to go after the $50,000 for the sewer lines and manholes.  Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mr. LaBonde mentioned that on November 15 that the President signed off on a lot of money for the SRF program.   He said that it would be about two hundred thirty-four million per program for the State of Colorado.   He said that there is a percentage that will go to disadvantage communities.  He said that there is forty-eight million dollars to be spent across the state and the money will be available for five years, through 2026.  The money is for water and sewer only.  Mr. Elarton said that they are also looking at storm water drainage programs to. 


Ms. Jessica Martinez, from Fat Glass and Arcade was here to talk to the Council about her business.  She brought some information for the council to look over, on the fishing tables.  Mr. Elarton mentioned that a bill was signed and the payouts for the tables could not be worth more than $25 and they would have to be paper coupons.  He said that it is stated in the state rules that no product can be exchanged that is used for alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, tobacco products or firearms.   He said that the fish tables are gambling devices.  Ms. Martinez said that she was not aware that she could not give out pipes, and said that she would not give those out anymore.   She can sell the products but she could not give the products out as winnings.   She said that there are twenty-seven open skill game stops in Grand Junction Colorado that are licensed.  She said that they are not illegal.  She said that she has dinosaur dollars that can be redeemed at Cash Talks.  Mr. Elarton said to look at House Bill 12-34.  Ms. Martinez said that she thought they were legal.  Trustee Wilczek asked if there are kid’s games there also.  Ms. Martinez said that they will not be in the same building.  She spoke with Mr. Dean Klein about it and they were wanting to do a kid arcade.  She said that she has games for the kids and that they will be donated to the community center once it is open so that they will have a place to go when it is cold.   Trustee Winkler asked how can some of these other places do this if they are illegal.  Mr. Elarton said that they were paying cash.  He said that she cannot pay out cash, but they can use tickets to purchase things.  Ms. Martinez said that they would give out dinosaur dollars.  She said that the only place they can be spent are in Cash Talks.  Trustee Winkler said that they encourage business but we do not want anyone getting in trouble.  Mayor Blakley said that they will do some research on this and talk with Mr. Elarton. 


The 2022 budget was presented.  Trustee Wilczek made a motion, seconded by Trustee Winkler to accept the budget as presented.  Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Trustee Trujillo asked if they were going to do the Christmas light contest this year.  The Council said that they would give cash prizes for first, second and third.  With cash prizes at $75, $50, and $25 and that they will go out and judge the lights next Wednesday or Thursday.


Trustee Winkler asked if they were going to give bonuses this year.  Trustee Wilczek said to see what they done the year before and go by that.


Mr. Elarton said that he had talked about the State oxy settlement money.  He said that the portion that went to Moffat County from the State was only .2%.  Out of the County portion Craig got 8%, Moffat County got 91% and the Town will get the 1%.  He said that the State would like the mayor to sign the forms.  He said that is part of the class action suit.  Trustee Winkler made a motion, seconded by Trustee Trujillo to sign off on the opioid settlement.  Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Trustee Trujillo made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m. all were in favor.


                                                                                TOWN OF DINOSAUR



                                                                                Richard A. Blakley, Mayor





Tamara Long, Town Clerk