Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

Feb 8th, 2022 Minutes

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FEBRUARY 8, 2022



Mayor Blakley brought the First Regular Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council to order at 6:00 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Darcie Rocque, Devonna Wilczek, David Heinrich, Charles Winkler, Robert Essex.  Absent was LeRoy Trujillo.


Trustee Winkler made a motion, seconded by Trustee Essex to accept the accounts payable as presented.  Ayes: 6.  Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Winkler to accept the minutes from January 11 as presented.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mr. Steve LaBonde said that they are waiting for the CBDG Grant to get started on the replacement of the manholes.  He said that the completion date for the grants will be June 30, 2022.  

Mr. LaBonde said that they have four manholes that they are wanting to replace.  
He said that Ms. Karla Distel went through the recording requirements.  They will start on school street and work down the street to Ceratosaurus.  Mr. LaBonde said that they will be doing the pipe lining around May or June.  


Mr. Laurance Elarton said the Code Codification has been done, he said that the Planning and Zoning is the only part that has not been done yet.  He said that they can be put on the website.  He mentioned that Mr. Jim Evans has put the codes on a couple of the laptops if any of the council members want to take one home to look at them.  Mr. Elarton said that the only changes made were bringing up the current standard or laws.   Mayor Blakey said that we need to advertise for a public hearing.  Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Winkler to get a public hearing notice in the paper to introduce the Code Codification.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mayor Blakley said that we need to reopen for the marijuana licenses.  He said that we have had some legal interest as why we have not opened it back up yet, to fill the rest of the licenses.  Trustee Wilczek said that she would like to table the matter until next meeting.


Mayor Blakley said that he got a hold of Williams and they agreed to send a bid with the highest price to hook up to the gas line so that we could start a grant.  He said that it was not on an official sheet.  He said that the high price was 1.3 million.   Trustee Wilczek asked if they were going to tie into Rangely.  Mayor Blakley said that it would probably cost a million dollars to get the line here.  
Mr. Elarton said that we would still have an install cost.  He said that DOLA likes Rangely setup so that we can also get broad band to Dinosaur.  He said that if we go that way, we would need to work a deal with Rangely that the Town would be in the same consumer vote as Rangely.   He said that the Park Service is interested to.   He said that they are working with DOLA to get the best deal.  


Mr. Elarton said that we have a CIRSA Inspection coming up.  He said that we have some policies and procedure training that needs to be done.  He said that there are a lot of new CML laws that we need to get in place.


Trustee Wilczek asked if we could think of another name for Boodle Blvd.  She said that we can get suggestions from the citizens for a dinosaur name.  Mayor Blakley said that some one suggested to name that street cannabisaurus.   Mr. Elarton said that they are working on the access permit for that street. 


Trustee Essex made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 all were in favor.



                 TOWN OF DINOSAUR

                Richard A. Blakley, Mayor


Tamara Long, Town Clerk