FEBRUARY 14, 2023
The First Regular Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council was brought to order by Mayor Richard A. Blakley at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Jeremiah Gray, Marshelle Gray, Michael Taylor, Robert Essex, LeRoy Trujillo and Darcie Rocque by zoom at 6:35.
Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor to accept the accounts payable as presented.
Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor to accept the minutes from January 10, 2023 as presented. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Mayor Blakley said that the town has not had much on the liquor enforcement. He said that they are bringing things up to date. An Ordinance of the Town Council of the Town of Dinosaur, Colorado, creating a new Chapter 5.06 to address licensed liquor establishment-requirements was read. Trustee M. Gray asked if it is basically like state law. Mr. Laurance Elarton said yes, he said that this will allow more control on our end. He said that the Council will have the authority to enforce what they want. He said that we will have the ability to address the license with the state. But then we will have the ability to address the license in house with us. He said that the state law still applies. He said that the town could be stricter than state law. He said that there are also restrictions on distances like the marijuana stores. Trustee Essex said that it would give the council to have more authority but the state would have the final say.
Trustee M. Gray asked if it was necessary for all of the changes for allowing tasting in Dinosaur. Mr. Elarton said that the Town Attorney found that we did not have those regulations in our code. He thought since we were a statutory town, we should have those in there. He said that now it will handle everything.
Trustee Taylor asked if they need to put it out for public comments. Mayor Blakley said that they can make a motion to accept it tonight, then it will go out for advertisement. Then thirty days later it will go into effect. Trustee M. Gray said so then they can have tasting in town.
Ms. Devonna Wilczek asked how the tasting works. Trustee M. Gray said that it will go along with state guidelines. She said that they are required to provide an ID. And there could be only so many different samples and so much volume. She said that there must be food provided as well.
Ms. Wilczek asked it this must be done inside the store. Trustee M. Gray said that they can do it wherever it is paved on their property. She said that she would like to put up a tent in the back of the store. She said that they can only do the tasting so many hours and days a year. She said that it would be advertised over social media. She said that it will help bring people to town. Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor to approve the Ordinance. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Abstain: 1. (M. Gray). Motion carried.
Mayor Richard Blakley announced the need for 2 public hearings for the land use ordinance that is recommended to take effect. The first public hearing will be held Feb 14th, 2023, at 6:00 PM. Dinosaur land use regulation title 14 will allow for the appeal of outdated ordinances, penalty for violation of ordinance, and will allow for the city to amend ordinances that are in place now. The primary code is available at the Dinosaur Town Hall and is also available to view online. Questions should be directed to the Dinosaur town administrator during business hours. The second public hearing will be on Feb. 28th and a vote for adopting the ordinance will be held during the meeting on the 28th also. Notice of the ordinance will also be posted in the newspaper.
Mayor Richard Blakley requested to close the meeting. After his request a discussion of pipes freezing and the water lines at the end of the town water lines took place. Robert Essex recommended that repairing the issues in that part of the water lines be put into a 5 year plan for fixing the issues. Richard Blakley recommended that the public leave a small drip going in homes that are concerned with pipes freezing.
Laurance Elarton; city manager said that the town has received a notice of insurance audit. It is now going to be an annual event. He is getting a bid on replacing the lights to LED and got the new blinds for the building. They are also taking bids for the painting. Laurance Elarton said that one of the marshals that has applied for the position has come and toured the town and it looks like he will take the position. Colorado State law will now require gender neutral restrooms and diaper changing tables in at least one of the restrooms. Colorado code states that this will be a civil right violation if public buildings do not adhere to this code. Colorado has a big push for Corporal housing. This is for low- and middle-income housing. The “permit by right” will allow them to violate some of our zoning regulations if this passes. Laurance Elarton went over more rules and regulations that Colorado State is recommending. L. Elarton stated that the town of Dinosaur owns the garbage dump site not the county. Robert Essex voiced his concern at the city owning that property. He feels it would be safer for the county to continue owning it and would like the date that it was turned over to the city. Mayor R. Blakley said that it has been inspected twice and has passed both times. L. Elarton brought up some of the gun laws that Colorado is looking to pass. L. Elarton said he is bringing up these points so that if anyone is concerned with what the state is trying to pass that we have to opportunity to call our senators and representatives.
Jeremiah Gray made a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned.