Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

January 11, 2022 Minutes

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JANUARY 11, 2022

Mayor Blakley brought the First Regular Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Darcie Rocque, Devonna Wilczek, David Heinrich, Charles Winkler, Robert Essex, LeRoy Trujillo and Town Clerk Tamara Long.
Trustee Heinrich made a motion, seconded by Trustee Winkler to accept the accounts payable as presented. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Trustee Wilczek made a motion, seconded by Trustee Rocque to accept the minutes from December 14, 2021 as presented. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Mr. Steve LaBonde said that they have pay estimate number six for Anson for $22,526.27. He said that the retainer amount for $6,000 will be held until the valve is replaced. He said that they would be back in May to replace that valve. Trustee Heinrich made a motion, seconded by Trustee Winkler to pay Anson pay estimate number six for $22,526.27. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Mr. LaBonde said that the Town was approached by the Department of Local Affairs stating that they had some additional funding left in the community Development block Grant. They offered $50,000 to be used on the sewer project. He said that the Town was awarded $51,000 to supplement the project.

He asked if the contract has been signed. Mayor Blakley said that he has not signed it yet. Mr. LaBonde said that they do not want to spend any money until the contract has been signed. He said that they do not want to sign the Taylor Agreement until they sign the Contract with CDBG. He said that Tyler Excavating Pipe will be doing the manhole replacements. He thought they would be mobilizing around the last of January or first part of February. He said that if they knew when there would be someone in town doing asphalt, they may be able to get the asphalt done around the manholes.

He said that once the manholes are replaced that they might reach back to Carter & Sons to pull the pipe through the existing lines and steam cure them. He said that would have to be done once the manholes are finished.

Mr. LaBonde mentioned that he is still tracking the Infrastructure Act that was signed in November. He said that they are trying to have that guidance out in late February or March on how that money is going to be funneled down. He said that if the town has any projects in mind, it would be a good time to approach them, it will be for water and sewer only. He said that half will be for water and the other half for sewer projects. He also mentioned that half of it will be for disadvantaged communities. Trustee Winkler asked if there is a time line for the money. Mr. LaBonde said that it is for 2022-2026, he said that you have to be on an eligibility list for the state revolving fund, and it has to be done every year. And that they are due in July. He said if there are projects, they want to do it would be a good time for the funding.