Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

January 9th, 2024 Minutes

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Dinosaur Town Council

Dinosaur Council Chambers

January 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.






PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pledge of allegiance was led by Mayor Blakley.



ROLL CALL:  Present Mayor Blakley, Darcie Rocque, Michael Taylor, Robert Essex, Leory Trujillo, Jermiah Gray Dial in and Marshelle Gray was absent.







  1. Minutes of October 24, November 14 and December 12, 2023.  Rob Essex moved to approve the three set of minutes presented; seconded by Michael Taylor, motion passed.
  2. Treasurer report.  Rob Essex moved to approve the treasure report for December; seconded by Darcie Rocque, motion passed. 
  3. Designate the DOE for the 2024 election. Mayor Blakley introduced Christine Brasfield as the acting Clerk until the interviews and appointments happen in the next couple of months.  Micael Tylor moved to designate Christine Brasfield as the DOE for the 2024 Election; seconded by Leory Trujillo, motion passed. 
  4. IGA Moffat County Clerk Election.  Robbert Essex moved to approve the IGA for Moffat County Election to run the Dinosaur 2024 election; seconded by Micael Taylor, motion passed. 
  5. Budget Resolution approving the 2024 Budget.  Town Manager Elarton summarized the final budget outlying the Revenue and Expenditures. Robert Essex moved to approve the 2024 Budget; seconded by Micael Taylor, motion passed. 
  6. Personnel Manual Town Manager Elarton emailed the Council a copy of the personnel manual for Dinosaur and Carbondale for review of the Council.  This item is in review and brought back up in the future for adoption. 
  7. Resolution designating a place for the posting of notices of all public meetings and public hearing.  The Council discussed the option of making a bulletin board for posting of Town documents at town hall. Town Manager Elarton will look into option for bulletin boards.  Robert Essex moved to approve the Resolution for designating the meeting for Dinosaur Town Hall; seconded by Darcie Rocque, motion passed. 




  1. Derek McCarty – Direction of town with the following items for review.  Veterans and their service, shelter, food and water to survive.  He is concerned with the water supply for Dinosaur.  He discussed the fire department, hazards with chimneys in Dinosaur and burning house trash on residential property within town. 
  2. Beata Jozefowicz expressed concerns with the water quality in Dinosaur. 




A.  Mayor report and actions Mayor Blakley opened up the discussion for fees of residents and business and their rate structure.  Xavier asked the Council to review his current rate for his property.  He stated that his rate is higher than some of the local businesses in Town who have a lot more people and usage on their property. Currently Xavier is paying for 3 services for his property.  He has a house and duplex on his property.  The Council decided that he is being charged the correct amount. Therefore, no changes will be made to his account.  The Council decided to have a work session to review the fees and rates that are currently in effect to make it fair for all locations in Dinosaur.   

B.  Council reports and actions 

C.  Town Manager Reports


ADJOURN:  Robbert Essex moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.; seconded by Micael Taylor, vote unanimous.





                                                                                                Richard A. Blakley, Mayor





Christine Brasfield, Acting Clerk



For more details go to zoom link: Minutes, Agendas and Zoom Link for the meetings can be found at