JULY 26, 2022
Mayor Blakley brought the Second Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Jeremiah Gray, Marshelle Gray, Michael Taylor, Robert Essex, and LeRoy Trujillo. Absent was Darcie Rocque.
Ms. Julie Elarton said that she was here to see about donations and how the vendors will be charged, and they are wanting to do the rodeo at the baseball field. Ms. Elarton said that they also need to find out on the liquor license, to see if they will need to apply for another license or add it to the present license. Trustee J. Gray made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor to allow a second location to the liquor license. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Abstain: 1 (M. Gray). Motion carried.
Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor to set the vendor license for $5 per day. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Ms. Elarton asked about the Town donating to the event. Mayor Blakley said that he knows what they can afford without putting the town in a bind. He said that is $10,000. Ms. Devonna Wilczek asked how they came up with that. Mayor Blakley said that they have money in the PR fund, which was budgeted for the hang gliders. Trustee M. Gray asked Ms. Elarton what they are doing to do to include the people of Dinosaur for this event. Ms. Elarton said that they are going to advertise in the water bills and discounting the dinners for the people that have addresses in Dinosaur, there will be tickets sent in the water bills to get in with a discount or free. She said that they would like to get something going on in Dinosaur and making it an annual event. And all proceeds will go back into that fund.
Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor to donate $10,000 to the Dinosaur Stone Age Stampede. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Abstain: 1 (M. Gray). Motion carried.
Mr. Steve LaBonde said that they wanted to close out with Anson. He said that they got the valve in and started retesting and it is leaking a little bit. He said that they need to look at the connection, but he thinks it is the valve that is bad. He said that they are going to check different valves.
Mr. LaBonde said that Val Kotter and Sons have done the completion for the sewer curing on the pipes. He said that they will need to pay the final bill of $4633.07. Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor to pay the final payment to Val Kotter and Sons for $4633.07. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
He said that the Notice of Final Settlement will be posted in the paper on August 4 and August 11, 2022. Then they can get the final check out to Val Kotter and Sons on August 20, 2022.
Mr. LaBonde said that once the valve is replaced, they can close out the contract with Anson. And then we can summit a withdrawal from the discharge permit. He said that we would not be discharging, it would be through evaporation. He said do not pay the permit, because we will withdraw from that.
A Resolution to accept final completion of the Town of Dinosaur’s Sewer line rehabilitation project, and to release all final payments to the contractor for said project, was read. Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trujillo to accept the Resolution as read. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Mayor Blakley said that they are putting together a project to put the sewer and water mains by Bootle Blvd to open that block for the new dispensary that is going in. And it will be there for any other development. He said that they are going to loop the water so that it is not a dead-end line. He said that they have a couple of bids for the material and the town will put it in. He said that they are looking at forty to fifty thousand total for the project.
Mr. Laurance Elarton said that they are still working on Well 2. He said that they are waiting for approvals on it. He said that they will get the pipe and pads done.
Mayor Blakey said that the inspector on the lagoon project has a John Boat that we can use for the sewer ponds. He is selling it for $400.
Mr. Laurance Elarton said that he is working on new policies and procedure for the alcohol and marijuana revisions.
He said that there were issues with the CIRSA inspection, and they are working on them.
He said that they are working on code enforcement warnings for the Marshals office. And working on a dog vaccination clinic. He said that they would like to get pictures of the dogs to go with the licenses.
Ms. Devonna Wilczek said that the fire hydrants need to be flushed and the sewers need to be done. Mr. Elarton said that they have talked to maintenance on that, he said that they are trying to pull him off mowing because he is going to have to help run the truck. He said that they are looking for help.
He said that they hired JR Landscaping to come in and aerate and fertilized the cemetery and the parks. He said that they wanted to get on the lines with the jet truck and are hoping to get all lines done.
Mr. Dale Long asked when they are going to start working on the hazmat pile above the cemetery. Mr. Elarton said that they will put it on the list. He asked if he was talking about the cement and asphalt. Mr. Long said the asphalt, he said that he had mentioned it to Mayor Blakley earlier. Mayor Blakley said that they were going to bring in a mill and grinder for that. Trustee Essex said that the asphalt was from the highways. Trustee Taylor asked if the contractors were going to clean it up. Mayor Blakley said no. Trustee Taylor asked why they put it on the Town property. Mayor Blakley said that they gave them the permission to put it there. Trustee Essex said that they paved the cemetery and had done a couple of other things for the town.
Mr. Brian Zimmer asked if there is a code on barking dogs. Trustee Essex said that there is an ordinance on the barking of the dogs, they should not be barking after 10:00 p.m. Mr. Zimmer asked if they have considered having a dog park. Trustee Essex said that there is a lot of open space to take your dogs. Mr. Zimmer said there are a lot of towns that put in dog parks, so that the dogs and people can socialize. He said that the dogs are barking because they do not know what is going on.
Trustee Essex made a motion to adjourn at 7:19 all were in favor.
Richard A. Blakley, Mayor
Tamara Long, Town Clerk