Dinosaur Town Council
Dinosaur Council Chambers
March 12, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor, Richard Blakley
Darcie Rocque Michael Taylor
Jermiah Gray Robert Essex
Marselle Gray Leroy Trujillo
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Blakley led the pledge of allegiance.
ROLL CALL Town Council members present: Mayor Blakley, Darcie Rocque, Marshelle Gray, Michael Taylor, Robert Essex, Leory Trujillo. Jermiah Gray was absent.
- Changes to the Agenda Public hearing for Stoneage Stampede.
- Purchase of a dump trailer for the Maintenance Department.
- Purchase of 2 aluminum dinosaurs for 3,00.00 each.
Mayor Blakly opened the public hearing for the Stoneage Stampede special event permit to approve the alcohol at the event. Robert Essex asked Chief Elarton if there were any issues at last year event. Chief Elarton stated that no issues. No one from the public attended the public meeting.
- Minutes of Feb 12 and Feb 27, 2024. Marselle Gray moved to approve the minutes as presented; seconded by Darcie Rocque, motion passed.
- Treasurer report. $108,234.45. Robert Essex moved to approve the Treasurer report; seconded by Michael Taylor, motion passed.
- Dino Dispensary License Renewal. Chief Elarton stated that the Dino Dispensary had no issues last year. Robbert Essex moved to approve the Dino Dispensary Marijuana license; seconded by Leory Trujillo, roll call vote Robert Essex, Marselle Gray, Michael Taylor and Leroy Trujillo voted yes; Darcie Rocque and Richard Blakley abstained. Motion passed.
- Stoneage Stampede Liquor License approval. Robbert Essex moved to approve the special events permit for Stoneage Stampede Liquor License; seconded by Leroy Trujillo, roll call vote Robert Essex, Michael Taylor, Leroy Trujillo, Darcie Rocque, Richard Blakley voted yes; Marshelle Gray abstained. Motion passed.
- Purchase of a dump trailer for the Maintenance Department. Michael Taylor moved to approve the purchase of the dump trailer estimated cost is $6,000.00; seconded by Leroy Trujillo, motion passed.
- Purchase of 2 aluminum dinosaurs for 3,000.00 each. Painting will be an additional cost. Robbert Essex moved to approve the purchase of 2 aluminum dinosaur for $6,000.00; seconded by Leroy Trujillo, vote unanimous.
- Mayor report and actions
- Water project moving along should have things wrap up by the end of the week.
- Mayor Blakley is working with CDOT regarding sidewalks on HWY 40, there is one section that will need to be engineered and there maybe funding with a match grant. He will keep the Council updated on the project.
- Richard and Ken will be gone all next week for training.
- Richard, Larry and Jim met the guy who makes aluminum dinosaurs. He showed them pictures of the final product. He also recommended a lady who could the painting for a reasonable price. A discussion of where they will be placed will be decided once the dinosaurs are completed. Town Manager Elarton mentioned that he would like to create a sitting area out front of the Town Hall with some picnic tables and one of the dinosaurs could be placed there.
- Maintenance Supervisor reports. Ken Davis mentioned that he is working on projects around town and if any of the Council has concerns or areas that the Maintenance Department need to address feel free to stop by or give him a call. Sprinkler system will be installed tomorrow at Town Hall. Park beautification improvements are in the process. Maintenance Department repaired a water main. Removed a sewer blockage by Dorthy House. Repaired 2 fire hydrants. Robbert Essex asked if the tress across from the Bedrock shop could be a project for the Maintenance Department. Robbert offered his time and help the crew clean up the area. Ken stated that needs to go over and look at the areas to access what needs to be done. Michael Taylor mentioned that he noticed that there are a lot of missing street signs around town. Ken Davis stated that he is in the process of doing inventory of all the sign around town. Ken Davis mentioned that the Maintenance Department is in need of a utility trailer.
- Council reports and actions
D. Town Manager Reports
1. Safe built sent over the MOU to the Town Council to review. The Town Attorney had not reviewed it therefore he is waiting on a response back from him before he brings it before the Council.
2. Well 2 should be completed by June.
3. Working on corrections for the employee manual. A draft should be ready for the next meeting. Good discussion from the Town Council with making recommendations for changes.
4. Reviewed the schedule for CIRSA safety training. They have some good training coming up that could be beneficial for all departments.
PUBLIC COMMENT – Devonna Wilczek asked the Council about vandalism at the school and if cameras could be place to view the property.
2. Devonna asked if the Town could start early this year in having residents clean up their property. Mayor Blakley mentioned the Town plans on renting big trash container again this year. Marselle Gray asked if the Town could do some of incentive program to encourage residents to clean up their property.
Robbert Essex moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 pm; seconded by Marshelle Gray, vote unanimous.
Richard A. Blakley, Mayor
Christine Brasfield, Acting Clerk
For more details go to zoom link: Minutes, Agendas and Zoom Link for the meetings can be found at https://townofdinosaur.colorado.gov/minutes-and-agendas.