Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

March 14th, 2023 Minutes

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March 14, 2023


The first Regular Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council was brought to order by Mayor Richard A. Blakley at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Jeremiah Gray, Marshelle Gray, Robert Essex, LeRoy Trujillo.

     Mayor R. Blakley went over the expenditures.  Treasurer Jim Evans went over some of the bills.  Trustee M. Gray asked about the bills that were attached to Darrell Johnson.  It was explained that they were for his interview.

    Trustee R. Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee M. Gray, to accept the bills payable presented.  Ayes: 5 Nays: 0.  Motion carried. 

     Mayor R. Blakley said that they have to table the minuets from the last meeting because they were not prepared yet.

    AFPD Chairman Julie Elarton was speaking on behalf of Artesia Fire District.  She went over what the Fire Department is doing to get the fire hall in compliance and the projects the fire district is working on.  The Fire board  has acquired an 80/20 grant to pay for much needed equipment for the fire fighters.  She asked Dinosaur City to help pay the 20% that the grant will not pay for, if she cannot raise the money elsewhere.   A discussion was held between the Trustees about the request.   If the funds are not acquired elsewhere then  J. Elarton was invited to come back and ask for the funds again.

     Moffat county board rep. Katie Johnston spoke next from zoom.  The Moffat County library would like to ask Dinosaur city to contribute $15,000 towards the Dinosaur City library. Katie Johnston said that Maybelle and Craig are not donating money to the libraries.  The Trustees said they will look into what amount Dinosaur can budget for their donation.

     Melody Villard Moffat County commissioner called in on Zoom to talk to Dinosaur city about the Rural Economic incentive development grant and to invite representatives from Dinosaur City to participate in the North West Colorado Development Council (NWCDC).  Questions were brought up back and forth from the Trustees and Commissioner M. Villard about the potential of joining the NWCDC board.

     J. Elarton spoke with the board about the possibility of the Town of Dinosaur donating to “Stone Age Stampede” again.  Last year the program received a donation for this community event and the Stone Age Stampede committee would like to see if Dinosaur City would be able to contribute again. 

       Mayor R. Blakley went over the projects that Dinosaur City is getting bids for.  He is working with DOLA to try and help with the cost of coating the inside of the water towers.  He did get the 50/50 grant for Trees. 

     Trustee R. Essex wondered what date is set up for the city clean up.  At this point the day cannot be scheduled because of the weather. Trustee M. Gray is wondering if we need to have sand bags ready, it was discussed that they are cleaning the coverts and ditches to hopefully keep the water draining the way it should and hopefully avoid flooding.

    City Manager L. Elarton brought up a new bill that is trying to be passed.  L. Elarton requested that we read the proposed bills and write to our representatives if we do not agree with the bill.

     The floor was opened to public comments.  The concern about street repair, dog licensing and Town of Dinosaur sign was discussed.

     Trustee R. Essex made a motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded by Trustee L. Trujillo.  The meeting was adjourned.