Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

May 10th, 2022 Minutes

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MAY 10, 2022



Mayor Blakey brought the First Regular Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council to order at 6:00 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Darcie Rocque, Jeremiah Gray, Marshelle Gray, Robert Essex and Michael Taylor by zoom.  Absent was Trustee Leroy Trujillo.


Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Rocque to accept the accounts payable as presented.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee M. Gray to accept the April 12, minutes as presented.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mayor Blakley said that they need to discuss Phase IIIB Lagoons/Manhole project.  Mr. Steve LaBonde said that they are trying to find out where we are on funding.  He said that they that they were going to do curing of the pipe with the surplus money. He said that once they got in the manholes, they realized that they needed to be replayed.  He mentioned that they hired Taylor Excavating to do that.  He said that it has been completed other than paving the patches. He said Mayor Blakley and Town Administrator Laurance Elarton has been working with ANS Paving.  He said that they would need to get a cost on it and that would be the last of the manhole project.  He thought the cost was $4,140.


Mr. LaBonde said that Anson will need to come back to finish the lagoons, he said that they are still waiting to get the evaporation down so that they can pump cell one into two.  He said that once that is done Anson’s can come in and replace that valve that was under warranty.  He said the Town held $6,000 for a retainage until the valve was replace. 


Mr. LaBonde said an invitation to bid on the curing of the three sewer pipes was put out.  He said that prices have gone up.  He received a couple of bids one for $92,661 and the other was for $99,992.  He said that he thinks the CDBG grant has to be spent by the end of June.  He said that they have about $15,000 to $20,000 on the Grant, and the loan has about $80,000.  He said that they need to get reimbursements from the loan.  He said that there will be about $40,000 after they get reimbursed.  He said that the Council would have to decide what to do on with the sewer lines. 

Mr. Elarton said that we have about $83,000 from the non-entitlement units’ funds.  He said that it can be spent on anything that we need.  He said that they had planned on using that money for locating the valves. He said that they could buy a line detector that we can buy out of the infrastructure fund.  He mentioned that they could also use some of the infrastructure money.  He suggested to the Council that they use up the CDBG money and get the three lines replaced.

Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Rocque to go with Val Kotter & Sons to do the sewer lines.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mr. LaBonde said that he would notify Val and get them a Notice of Award and agreement, so he can get the pipe ordered.


Mr. LaBonde said that he had talked to Shawn Oliver from the Water Quality Control Division.   He said that they had talked about the infrastructure law, they call that bill funding.  He said that they were hoping that money would be out in March.  Mr. Oliver said that Dinosaur would be a perfect candidate, he said that the town is considered a disadvantaged community and under 5000 in population.  He said that money will probably be available in the fall.  He said that if there is anything else that the town wants to do for infrastructure projects, that it would by 100% grant money.   He said that sooner you get in an application the better.  Mr. LaBonde told Mr. Blakley that they would have to get the eligible survey in like they do each year and they are due June 30th


Cory Jackson did not show up.


Mayor Blakley said that they need to get Jim and Larry on the bank account to sign checks.  Trustee Essex mentioned that they are both bonded.  Trustee Rocque made a motion, seconded by Trustee J. Gray to put Laurance Elarton and Jimmy Evans on the signature card at the bank.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mayor Blakley said that he would like to start the Town clean up this month.  Trustee J. Gray asked if there is a collection facility for used oil and anti-freeze.  Trustee Essex said that NAPA would take some of that.  The Council set May 21-22 for Town Clean up.


Mr. Elarton said that he had talked about a batch plant at the last meeting.  He said that it was going to be at Long’s.  He said that they were working on zoning and a variance with the council and also trying to work with the State to get access to make 9th Street.  He said that they were having problems getting that in and the vender had found another landlord across the street in the Industrial, he said that there is already access on the sewer lagoon road.  He said that it would be West of the sewer lagoon.  He said that it would be on Mr. Dan Browns property.  He said that was the vendors call, since it would be quicker.  Trustee Essex asked how long will it be there.  Mr. Elarton said 1-2 years and it will be a cement plant.  He said that they will work a deal with the town, on projects they have. 


Mr. Elarton said that they put in for the Natural Gas grant and got $250,000 with a $50,000 match for the feasibility study.  He mentioned that Mr. Jim Evans was working on the grants and our budgeting.


Mr. Elarton said that the Praters have a lease on some property for the new marijuana store.  He said that they are waiting on a Trade name.  He said that now they need to expand the water and sewer to the property.  Mayor Blakley said that they are going to have to dig up a manhole in the road.  He said that the water line will go down the ally.  Mr. Elarton said that they need to start looking at doing an expansion project to get everything open up.  Mayor Blakey said that about nine years ago Toby Cortez and the Longs were wanting to put a sewer line in down Brachtosaurus and the only thing the town would have had to pay for was the material all labor and equipment was going to be free, but the Council at that time turned it down.  Trustee Essex said that now the Town will have to pay for it all.  Mr. Elarton said that the developers are the ones that are supposed to do this, but it was never done.  He said that if another subdivision comes in the Council needs to make sure that they have their infrastructure set otherwise it falls on the Town.  He said that there is a lot of money out there.   Mayor Blakley said that they will be working with Mr. LaBonde on the lines.  Mayor Blakley suggested on stubbing the water out to the property and mark it that way it will be there.  He said that they could put the meters on the property owner’s house.  Ms. Devonna Wilczek asked if this is going to all come out of infrastructure.  Mayor Blakley said that it will be grants and infrastructure. 

Trustee Essex said the trailer park has taps in there and they that leaking all over. He suggested putting the line in and if someone moves in, they can dig it up and put the service line in.  He said that there is no since taping it, since they do not know where people are going to put their buildings.  And they will be responsible for cutting the road. 

 Trustee M. Gray asked if there is housing to be built in the near future.  Mr. Elarton said that there is Lollar Subdivision and Mr. Brown owns strips South of Diplodocus that is zoned residential.  Mayor Blakey mentioned that there is a water and sewer main down Desperado.  


Mr. Jim Evans said that Julie, Larry and he had applied for a grant with the LMD Board.  He said that they were awarded $15,000, he said that we will be able to replace the signs coming into town.  Mr. Elarton mentioned that the town may have Christmas decorations available since they have bought new ones.  Mr. Evans said that they will be getting 25 dinosaur poll signs.  And the grant can be used into next year. 


Ms. Wilczek said that she is done with the dogs, barking and running all over town.  She said that you cannot even walk around town.  She said that in the past we have had the vet come in and give shots.  Mr. Elarton said that we can put a call in to the Lady that is in Rangely, she is mobile.  And see if she would do this.  He said that then they can start enforcing.  He said that they looked on the PD computer system to see if they could do dog licensing there.  Where they can put pictures of dogs so they would know where they belong.  Ms. Wilczek said that there is only one shot that is required.  She asked if they should call dispatch or 911 when there are problems.  Mr. Elarton said that they could call Town Hall, and they would take care of it.


Trustee Essex made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m. all were in favor.


                                                                                                TOWN OF DINOSAUR



                                                                                                Richard A. Blakley, Mayor





Tamara Long, Town Clerk