Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

November 9th, 2021 Minutes

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The First Regular Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council was brought to order by Mayor Richard A. Blakley at 6:00 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Devonna Wilczek, David Heinrich, Charles Winkler, Robert Essex, LeRoy Trujillo, Marshal/Town Administrator Laurance Elarton and Town Clerk Tamara Long.  Absent was Trustee Darcie Rocque.


Trustee Wilczek made a motion, seconded by Trustee Heinrich to accept the accounts payable as presented.    Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Trustee Winkler made a motion, seconded by Trustee Wilczek to accept the minutes from October 12 as presented.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mr. Tex Bird came to ask the Council for permission to put his camper on his own property.  He said that it would help him save money to remodel his house.  Trustee Heinrich asked how long, he said that there are town ordinances on this.   Mr. Bird said that there are a lot of campers in town where people are living in them.   Trustee Essex suggested trying it on a trial basis.  Mayor Blakley said that they have gave variances before but had a time limit.  Trustee Wilczek said that there are other people in town that are living in trailers.  Mr. Elarton said that they have addressed some of those people and they have 14 days to stay by ordinance.  Mr. Bird mentioned that he does own his property and he is going to make a home here.  Trustee Heinrich made a motion, seconded by Trustee Wilczek to give Mr. Bird a variance to live in his trailer on his property and have a review on a six-month basis.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mayor Blakley said that Mr. Steve LaBonde got bids on the four manholes.  Anson was $73,760 and Taylor Excavating was for $57,700.  Trustee Wilczek asked if this would come out of the grant money.  Mayor Blakley said that it would, they had put in for an extension, and it would be good through June. 

Trustee Heinrich made a motion, seconded by Trustee Essex to accept the bid from Taylor Excavating for $57,700.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.


Mayor Blakley said that 3rd Street is paved.  He said that next year they are hoping on doing 2nd Street and Boodle.


Mr. Elarton said that they have a new business in town, it is called Fat Glass & Arcade.   He said that it was a little different arcade then what they were thinking. He said that they have fish tables. 

He said that Sergeant Becker had talked to the gaming department. 

Sergeant Becker said that they are sold as an arcade game but they are also sold like a gambling device.  He said that you insert money and can increase bets.  He said that you get points that can be used toward merchandise in their store, gift certificates around town or cash.  He said that the issue is the cash.  The gaming board said that they cannot go over $25.  The gaming board said that they have had a lot of issues with these machines.  They are not legal under state law, and they fall under gaming. Trustee Wilczek asked if they took them out.   Mr. Elarton said that they are shut down on the games, but they are doing the glass shop right now.  He said that they want to talk to the Council about this.  Trustee Wilczek said that they do have them in Grand Junction.  Trustee Heinrich asked if it is the cash that makes them illegal.  Mr. Elarton said that they are HG Games, you can get a 45% return on the investment of what comes in.  He said that the software can be adjusted.  There was a $100 put in the slot and after playing for a while it had $175.69 showing on the credit.  They asked what happens when a person wants paid out.  They were told that they would try to get them to take other stuff, but if they wanted to be paid out, they would pay them out.  He said that at that point it is paying out more than $25. He mentioned that he had talked to the Town Attorney and he said that Silt and Parachute has done codes against these.  He said that they started in Colorado Springs in 2017, but then they were shut down.  He said that they will still look into the rules and regulations.  Mr. Elarton said that they are open for the glass but the tables are shut down.    


Mr. Elarton said that there has been a new boiler installed in town hall.  

DOLA said that we can expect a 95% reduction in the Mineral and Severance taxes. 

He mentioned that he sent Mr. Jim Evans to the AD Coordinator class. 

He said the Jeter is working on the sewer truck.  Mayor Blakley said that the vac hose has been shipped.

Mr. Elarton said that the Codes are almost complete.  And that the personnel manual will relate to the CIRSA Manual.


Mr. Elarton said that he went to the AGNC Meeting.  He said that they talked about the Wolf Creek Reservoir that is coming in.  He said that it will be sixty-six-thousand-acre feet.  He said that Kenny reservoir was thirty-thousand-acre feet when it was new and full, but it is down to ten-acre feet now.  He said that they are going to pump the water to the lake, from the river.  The reservoir can be entered from both Highway 40 and Highway 64.


Trustee Wilczek mentioned that they had trash clean up, but there is still a lot of trash.  Trustee Winkler said that we may need more dumpsters, he said that we did have a good turnout. 


Trustee Heinrich made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 all were in favor.


                                                                                                TOWN OF DINOSAUR



                                                                                                Richard A. Blakley, Mayor





Tamara Long, Town Clerk