Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

October 11th, 2022 Minutes

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OCTOBER 11, 2022


Mayor Blakley brought the First Regular Meeting of the Dinosaur Town Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Darcie Rocque, Jeremiah Gray, Marshelle Gray, Michael Taylor, and Robert Essex. Absent was Trustee LeRoy Trujillo.

Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Rocque to approve the expenditures as presented.

Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor to approve the minutes from September 13 and 27th as presented. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Mr. Alden Vanden Brink was here to talk to the council about the Wolf Creek Reservoir. He mentioned that he was a thirty-year water professional. He said that he has worked with all types of water. He is the district manager for Rio Blanco water conservative district. He also represents Rio Blanco County on the Colorado District, and the Chairman of the Yampa White Green Basin Round Table.

He said that he would like to visit with the Council on the White River Regional Water Supply Project, which is Wolf Creek Reservoir. He said that he has been talking to Mr. Jeff Comstock with the land and natural resource committee. He is working with them in the Yampa basin to develop a blanket modification plan for Moffat County. Mr. Vanden Brink said that there is a portion of Moffat County in the white river basin that is why he is visiting with the town, he will also be visiting with the Juniper Water Conservancy.  

Mr. Vanden Brink said that their mission is to lead in the protection, conservation, use, and development of the water resources of the White River Basin for the welfare of the district, and to safeguard for the district all waters of the White River to which the State has entitled. He mentioned that Dinosaur is in the White River drainage.

He said that the plan was supposed to start in 2012 to supply Kenny Reservoir. He said that in 1983 when Kenny Reservoir was built, they had 13,800 of storage and 615 surface acres. He said that this year they are at 2,100 storage and less of 215 acres. He said that Kenny Reservoir was supposed to last thirty years and they have exceeded that, and close to 40 years. Trustee Essex asked if they have thought about dredging the lake. Mr. Vanden Brink said that they have investigated it, and it would cost seventy-five thousand per acre foot of valued storage. He said that they are looking that in 2029 Kenny Reservoir will have zero capacity left.

Mr. Vanden Brink mentioned that they have identified potential water supplies to preplace Kenny Reservoir. Identified future water needs in the White River Basin and region. And performed an initial water supply alternatives analysis of more than 25 reservoir sight alternatives.

He said that the Town of Rangely, the Town of Meeker, Rio Blanco County, Rio Blanco Water Conservancy District, Yampa White Green Basin Round Table, Colorado Water Conservation Board, and Colorado River District have given them the funding to go through these steps. He said that they are working on the draft documents for the permitting.

He said that they have gone out to get agreements for water supply in Wolf Creek. The Town of Rangely, Yellow Jacket Water Conservancy District want water, and Rio Blanco County said that they wanted water for a blanket plan for all of Rio Blanco County. He said that all White River Basin and Rio Blanco covered.

He mentioned that they have summited their notice of intent for right away. He said that at the present time their needs are for Municipal Water Supply, Environmental Glows for Endangered Fish, Flatwater Recreation, Agriculture Water Supply Colorado River Compact Curtailment and Hydropower.

He said that Wolf Creek was the least impacted sight that they looked at. He said that they were able to obtain a water right of 66,720-acre foot for storage. He said that it would have to be pumped. He said that they have anticipated a cost of $7/acre foot.

Trustee Taylor asked how far this would be from the Deserado Mine, and would it present any hazard through intrusion. Mr. Vanden Brink said that they are eight to ten miles away, and it would not affect the mine.

Mr. Vanden Brink said that they would welcome a letter of support if the Town of Dinosaur would support the project. He said that the council should look into the water rate portfolio. He said that if there is some potential for the reservoir to provide some assurance, we could give them a letter of interest and they will carry it forward.

Trustee Essex asked if everything goes well when will they be doing groundwork? Mr. Vanden Brink said his goal is to turn dirt in 3 years. He said that in 2029 there will be no more storage in Kenny Reservoir. He said that it took them 5-6 years to get the water rights. Trustee Taylor asked if it is going to be a solid dam like Kenny Reservoir? Mr. Vanden said that it would be earth and core.

A proposed budget was given to the council for their review. The Council set up a workshop for the budget on October 17 at 4:30 p.m.

Trustee M. Gray asked if the town is still having trouble with dog. She asked if it has increased or decreased. Mr. Elarton said that it has decreased. He said that they have been letting people know and they are coming in a getting their licenses. He said that they are working on it.

Trustee Taylor asked if there are any prospects in filling the law enforcement positions. He asked if there is anything that the council can look at or do to make it a more desirable position for someone to fill. He said maybe discuss housing to help. Trustee M. Gray said that there was some discussion about property in town. Mr. Elarton said that they can bring it up during the work session with the budget and once we see where the budget is. He said that they can do housing allowances if it is in town. Trustee Essex said that would be cheaper to do the rent then we would not be responsible for maintenance. Mr. Elarton said that we could do it that way or buy something. He said that is why Mr. Baker left because he was offered more money. Mr. Elarton said that someone out of Craig is going to come up and look. Trustee Taylor asked how the town compares with salaries for police officers. Mr. Elarton said that we are down on the list. Trustee Essex said that we don’t have the high crime here. Mr. Elarton said that it works out well to have the officer house. Trustee Essex mentioned that he has not seen a Moffat County deputy down here except for changing out prisoners. He asked if they could get Moffat County to float a guy down here to help cover, since we are in the jurisdiction.  Mr. Elarton said that they are around Maybell and closer and are assisting Craig.  Trustee Essex said that Craig has a full police department. Mr. Elarton said that right now they have a good relationship with the National Park. They have been backing them up and they back us up.

There was a gentleman here from KlJ. He said that he was here if there were any questions on the natural gas. Mr. Elarton said that it is for the feasibility study. He said that there have been council members asking how many times they were going to do this. Trustee Essex said that they should just summit the last one. Mr. Elarton said that they have changed the goal line a little bit. He said that they want to put broad band in with the natural gas. Trustee Essex said that they are wanting the natural gas and if they want broad band, they should have to pay that themselves. Mayor Blakley said that they were told if they put broad band in with the gas lines, they could help with money more. Mr. Elarton said that we need the grant money to do this. Trustee Taylor asked if they are planning on servicing the households that we currently have or are we planning to expand to other customers. Mayor Blakley said that they are wanted it to expand. Mr. Elarton said that they are planning in putting it in every household and are also going to do the national park.

Mayor Blakey said that they got the water tanks cleaned. He said that there are a few spots and rusting. He said that we will have to get them cleaned good and coat the insides. He said that they are going to put electrolysis in. He said that he has set up to have them here in March or April. He was quoted $1500 per tank for the anodes. Trustee Essex asked about Well 2. Mayor Blakley said that they are working with the state. Mayor Blakley said that if it is not finished by December, it should be done by spring. Trustee Taylor asked if they track the water levels in the wells. Mayor Blakley said that they are at 120 and has been holding for about fifty years.

Trustee Essex made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 p.m. all were in favor.

                                                                                                TOWN OF DINOSAUR


                                                                                                Richard A. Blakley, Mayor



Tamara Long, Town Clerk