OCTOBER 25, 2022
Mayor Blakley brought the Second Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Jeremiah Gray, Marshelle Gray, Michael Taylor, and Robert Essex. Absent were Trustees Darcie Rocque and LeRoy Trujillo.
Mayor Blakley said that they need to select a bid for the feasibility study. He said that after having a discussion with USDA and DoLA the main thing that has happened Pine Dale has not covered the avenues that need to be covered for this. He said that an RFP must be done. Trustee Essex said that he would like Pine Dale to come down and answer questions, since we had paid them to do this. Trustee M. Gray asked if it was in their bid to have all that stuff done. Mr. Elarton said that USDA has three different requirements for deliverables and the instructions.
Trustee Taylor arrived at 6:07.
Trustee M. Gray asked who compiles the RFP document. Mr. Elarton said that it is the grant manager. He said the one that was just sent out was done by Ms. Karla Distel. Mr. Elarton said that they put in for the congressional funds, and we made the last cut on it. He said that they will put in $200,000 and the town will have to match $50,000. He said that we have other funding options as well.
Trustee Taylor asked if there is any idea of the timetable on this? Mr. Elarton said that KLJ thought they could have it done in 3-4 months. He said that will put us up at the time more money will be available.
Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor to hire KLJ to go forward with the feasibility study. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Mrs. Julie Elarton was here to give an update on the Stone Age Stampede. Mrs. Elarton said that the stampede was a pretty good success. She said that they have had a lot of feedback. She said that a bunch of the people that donated said that they would like to see it come back. She said that the Town sent out around 260 tickets in the water bills for the meals. And they got about 132 of them back. She said the meal tickets were $10 a plate so that would have been $1,320. She said that overall, she wanted to thank the town and council for all their help. She said that they are going to try and get it going again next year. It was asked how many vendors they had. Mrs. Elarton said that they had around thirty vendors.
Mr. Jim Evans went over some changes that he and Mr. Elarton had done on the budget.
Ms. Devonna Wilczek mentioned that she had seen the hound dogs out again. Mr. Elarton said that they have talked to her today. She was advised that if they caught it again, they would take it to the shelter.
Mayor Blakley mentioned that Mr. Tom Kleinschnitz called today and said that there is a spot for someone off the council or a rep for us for a rafting trip. He said that it is for May 16-19, starting a Deer Lodge Park and getting out at Split Mountain. Trustee Essex said that if anyone is interested put their name in and if there is more than one, they can draw for it.
Trustee Essex made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. all were in favor.
Richard A. Blakley, Mayor
Tamara Long, Town Clerk