SEPTEMBER 12, 2023
Mayor Blakley brought the First Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Darcie Rocque, Jeremiah Gray, Marshelle Gray, Michael Taylor, Robert Essex, and LeRoy Trujillo.
Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor, to approve the accounts payable as presented. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee M. Gray, to approve the minutes from August 8th as presented. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Ms. Marlo Coates was here to go over the 2022 audit. She mentioned that there were audit adjustments, and it was favorable.
Mayor Blakley said the next thing is the Resolution for Agenda for Policies and Meeting Rules of procedure. Mayor Blakley asked if everyone got to look it over. Trustee Essex said that he did but thought he was missing a page. Mayor Blakley said that there is a page with suggestions on how to do things. It was mentioned that Mr. Elarton had emailed it to everyone. Trustee Taylor said that he got that, but it should be printed out here instead of him using his paper. Trustee Essex said that he has his copy if anyone wanted to read it. Trustee Taylor asked if the necessary changes got put into it that they wanted. Mayor Blakley said yes, the main thing, he said that he would see it when he gets his copy. Trustee Essex said that he does not understand why they need to do this. Trustee Taylor said that he thought it was already done. Trustee Essex said that he thought that they handled their business fairly and didn’t know that they needed to do this. Mayor Blakley said that Larry wanted it. Trustee Taylor said that we have a certain employee that doesn’t get the message. Mr. Jim Evans came in with a copy. Mayor Blakley said that it also talks about executive sessions that cannot be convened if it does not appear on the agenda unless it concerns an urgent matter that was not known at the time the agenda was posted. The resolution is on how to conduct a meeting. Trustee M. Gray asked if they ever got the code books. Mr. Evans said that they ordered them a long time ago, he called, and they were going to print them tomorrow. Mayor Blakley asked if there were any questions. Trustee Roque said that she does not see anything about accounts payable on this. Mayor Blakley said not that he knows of, she was paying in a timely manner.
A Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Dinosaur adopting an Agenda Policy and Meeting Rules of Procedure, was read. Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Taylor, to accept the Resolution as read. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Mayor Blakley said that the commissioners are wanting to hold a meeting for the LMD Board. He said that they would need to have a quorum here at 4:00 p.m. on October 3rd. He said that it will be on their budget that they have in place for 2024. Mr. Evans said that they want to know if there is going to be a quorum. Mayor Blakley said that the City of Craig, Moffat County Commissioners, and the Town it is an ex officio meeting.
Mr. Evans asked who was going to commit, Trustees M. Gray, J. Gray, Essex, Mayor Blakley and maybe Trustee Taylor. Trustee Essex asked if they are going to want them to vote on issues. Mr. Evans said that they want to present the Strategic Plan for 2024.
Mayor Blakley said that the second tank is coated, and they are in the waiting period now. It was asked how the repair on the other tank was. Mayor Blakley said that it was tested and good.
Mayor Blakley said that they could do a fall cleanup. Trustee Essex suggested helping clean up the property of Mr. Dieckman after he passed away. Mayor Blakey said that his trailer has a lot in it, but he is willing to hook up to it and bring it up and put it in the dumpster.
Ms. Sarah Jones said that they need to go through the whole town. Mayor Blakley asked when they want to do the clean-up. Trustee M. Gray asked what the postage would cost to mail the notices. Trustee Essex said that he didn’t think they needed to mail anything that they could post around town and post on the web page. The council set up September 29 and 30th for the second town clean-up. Trustee Essex said that they should wait until they are called to pick up the dumpsters, he said that last time it was picked up half full and we paid full price. He said that we should keep them an extra few days, until they are full.
Trustee Essex said that he has asked about Triceratops and the alley. He said that he asked in June to get the dirt off his building, and it still has not been done. He said that the West side of town does not get any action. He said that when they were doing the highway project, he wanted the entrance to put on it and that was not done. Mayor Blakley said that he tried but they would not put it on there. He said that they refused to, and they did not widen the one that they were supposed to. Trustee Essex said that the Town of Dinosaur needs to address Triceratops Street, and it needs to be done as soon as possible. He said that if you try to turn down that street it is bad. He said that it is all busted out and the curb is all bad. He said that he has complained about that street for a couple of years. Mayor Blakely said that he would get to it this week. Trustee Essex said that he has asked to use the backhoe to get the dirt off his building but has not heard anything.
Ms. Devonna Wilczek asked if the state gave the right of way for Bootle to 40. Mayor Blakley said that he will have to talk to Mr. Elarton. Ms. Wilczek said that while they are working on the monument maybe the town could get some of the patchwork done here.
Ms. Wilczek said that there is still a bunch of campers in town.
Ms. Sarah Jones said that about four or five years ago a fire hydrant was removed from 4th Street and Camptosaurus and it has never been replaced. She asked who she needed to talk to about this. Mayor Blakley said that he did not realize that. Trustee Essex said that the one up the street has been like that for twenty years. She said that there are a lot of weeds around her place, and if they caught on fire, and they removed the hydrant without a reason and never replaced it. She said that she was sure her insurance would have something to say about it. She said that she would like an answer.
Trustee Taylor asked how close a hydrant must be to a residence. Trustee Essex said that they are basically every other block. M. Jones asked if they must be so far apart by Colorado State code. Mayor Blakley said that he does not know why it would be removed and not put back. She said that there are others that need to be replaced also. Trustee Essex said that someone needs to go over and see where she is talking about.
Trustee M. Gray said that Officer Johnson has been out doing weed enforcement. She said that there are a lot of weeds in front of the building that need to be taken care of.
Ms. Jones said that she has been trying to get something done with the weeds for years. She said that the town has failed to enforce the codes. She said that it is good that they are starting to do something. Trustee M. Gray said that when she talked to Officer Johnson, he has done the west side of town and working across.
Trustee Essex said that someone needs to go to the property owner of 301 Camptosaurus and let them know that the property needs to be cleaned up. Mayor Blakley said that he has once. Trustee Essex said that it should be through law enforcement for the code enforcement. Ms. Jones said that there is a lot that needs to be cleaned up.
Trustee M. Gray asked how long it is that they give the people in the campers to come in and talk to the council about their variances. Trustee Essex said that they are supposed to come in every six months. Trustee M. Gray asked if they need to contact them, or do they just revoke it. She asked if that is something the clerk keeps track of or do they have to keep track of it. It was mentioned that is for the building inspector. Mayor Blakley said that he has been inspecting off and on. Trustee Essex said that it should be the building inspector that needs to tell them to come in and talk to the council. Mayor Blakey said that he can let them know that they need to come in and get renewed. Trustee M. Gray said that she has seen pictures of homes in town, and that they allow people in town to live like that. She said that it drags down everybody’s property values. She said that she worries that they set a precedent. Trustee Essex said that there should be a timeline on the building permits.
Ms. Wilczek asked if they were getting any closer on the gas. Trustee Essex said that they are spending more money on it. He said that it was $35,161, but DOLA is paying $28,000 of it. Mr. Evans said that every quarter the expenditures are turned in and the town gets 80% back. Mayor Blakley said that it is not looking well, the price that they have come up with is 4.4 million total. He said that is only for the gas project.
Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee M. Gray to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 all were in favor.
Richard S. Blakley, Mayor
Tamara Long, Town Clerk