Town Council Meeting June 25, 2024

September 14th, 2021 Minutes

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SEPTEMBER 14, 2021

Mayor Blakley brought the First Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Mayor Richard A. Blakley, Trustees Darcie Rocque, Devonna Wilczek, Charles Winkler, Robert Essex, LeRoy Trujillo, Marshal/Town Administrator Laurance Elarton and Town Clerk Tamara Long.  Absent were Trustee David Heinrich.

Trustee Essex said that he would like to take a moment of silence for Trustee Dave Heinrichs wife that had passed away last week.

Trustee Wilczek asked what the Ninty1 Designs LLC was for.  Mr. Elarton said that is for the design for the restroom.  Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Winkler to accept the accounts payable as presented.  Ayes:  6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Rocque to accept the minutes from August 10 and 24th as presented.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Mr. Steve LaBonde and Ms. Karla Distel were here for a follow up on the budget with the Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Mr. LaBonde said that they had talked about lining some of the sewer lines with the left-over money. 

Ms. Distel said that we have about $60,000 left from the grant.  Which does not include September and beyond.  She said that we would probably want to spend those funds.  She said that we have spent about $20,000 from the $100,000 loan. 

Trustee Essex asked if there was an idea of how much it would cost per foot to line the sewer. Mr. LaBonde said that CIPP is like a sock.  He said that they are custom made and have to steam cure for 1-2 hours and would be like a PVC lining.  He said that the new technology is cured with UV.   He said that they are a little more expensive than the steam cure.  He said that they got quotes at about $60 per foot and the laterals are $100 per piece.  He said that for the 12,000 feet it would probably be in the $75,000 range.  He said that the steam cure would be cheaper.  He said that he has reached out to a company called Perma Liner, they have a contractor out of Rifle, but they backed out.  He said that there is another company in Colorado Springs that they are going to reach out to.

Mr. LaBonde said that he reached out to Clear Shot in Grand Junction to clean the lines.  He said that they could jet clean the lines for $1.25 per foot and a $1.25 per foot for video.  He said that the mobilization would be $1100 so we would be looking at around $4000 to $4400 to clean the problem areas. 

Mayor Blakley said that he would talk to the Water Department Vernal to see if they know someone that can do the work.  Mr. LaBonde said that if they stay in the $60,000 to $80,000, they would be okay.

Ms. Distel mentioned that the CDBG money will expire at the end of the year.  She suggested adding to the existing contract with Anson, rather than rebidding it. 

Mr. LaBonde said that the cleaning would probably qualify for the FRS money, because it is part of the collection system.

Mr. Elarton mentioned that he was looking at renting a jet trailer, from Farris Machinery so we could try and get all the lines cleaned this year.  It would be about $6,000 a month.  He said that he could talk to them and see if they have a camera.  He said that this could come out of infrastructure.   Mr. LaBonde said that the big thing is the time crunch.  He mentioned that Clear Shot could look up all the service lines also as they go. 

Ms. Distel asked if there is not enough money to do all three sections if they would do like A, B, and not C, or is it all or nothing.  Ms. Distel said that anything past the $60,000 spent would be town funds or loan.  Trustee Winkler said that we need to get the problem areas fixed.  Trustee Winker made a motion, seconded by Trustee Rocque to do the sewer project and to stay within the budget, for the three main trouble lines and not to exceed $90,000.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Mr. LaBonde said that the pond is stilling filling and they would be here to put in the Solar Bee on Saturday.  He said that they would probably do a pan test in October and then they will have to pump the water off.

Mayor Blakley said that we have a renewal for Northwest Cannabis.  Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Trujillo to accept the renewal for Northwest Cannabis.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Mayor Blakley said that they need to decide where to pull the money for the library.  Mr. Elarton asked if they want the money for last year or a commitment for the upcoming budget.  Mayor Blakley asked County Commissioner Melody Villard if they were looking for commitment for next year or is it for this year.  Ms. Villard said that she thought it was for 2021, but they would like to work something out long term.  Mayor Blakley said that it got over looked last year, but we would look to see where we can take the money from.  Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Wilczek to send $15,000 to the library.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Mayor Blakley said that he got an email for the bypass that they are wanting to put in the Book Cliffs.  They asked for support to go against the road.  Mayor Blakley said that he will sign the link and then email it to the Council so that they could put their names on it. 

Mayor Blakley said that he found a hose for the jet truck.  He said that the price would be $2600, $800 of it would be for the freight.  He said that they would drop the price down to $1800 if someone could pick it up in Denver.   The Council said that it would cost for someone to go pick it up in Denver, so we just as well have it delivered.

Mr. Elarton mentioned that we have three bids for the paving.  Hackings Paving & Excavating at $56,160, J Brothers Trucking & Excavating at $56,580 and Burdick at $58,144.  He said that he had Ryan get referrals from the companies.  He said that they all had good recommendations.  He mentioned that Burdick would be shutting down October 14th.   Trustee Winkler asked if this would be done this year.  Mr. Elarton said yes, we need to get it done, since there has already been a lot of work already done.   Trustee Essex made a motion, seconded by Trustee Winkler to start with Burdick to get the street done.  Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.

Trustee Wilczek mentioned that we need to get busy with the budget.  She asked what are we going to do with the school, and are we going to have to start on grants this year or next year.  Mr. Elarton said t probably next year he will look into grants for it.  He said that deconstruction can be done by ourselves and hire people to do some of the other stuff.  He mentioned that the CU of Denver will be here to do a presentation.

Mr. Elarton asked if there were any public comments.  A member from the Library Board thanks the town for the money.  They said that they would make sure the funds will go toward the Dinosaur Library. 

Trustee Essex made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. all were in favor. 

                                                                                TOWN OF DINOSAUR


                                                                                Richard A. Blakley, Mayor



Tamara Long, Town Clerk